Arthur Boschet

AI Research Scientist @ Optina Diagnostics


Welcome to my website! I am an Applied AI Research Scientist at Optina Diagnostics, specializing in harnessing the latest advancements in deep learning and computer vision. My work focuses on developing innovative tools for optometrists, ophthalmologists, and the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. During my professional Master’s program at Mila, I completed a research internship at Optina Diagnostics, mentored by Jean-Sébastien Grondin and Adam Ibrahim. My primary project involved the generation of high-resolution hyperspectral retinal images using diffusion models and VQ-GANs, enhancing a self-supervised learning pipeline.

I am currently completing a research internship at NeuroPoly, guided by Julien Cohen-Adad, where I am developing segmentation models for axons and myelin in nervous system histology images. Alongside this, I am actively involved in creating a pipeline that utilizes diffusion models to improve the segmentation of out-of-distribution images.

Prior to these experiences, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering with a minor in Computer Science from McGill University. During my undergraduate studies, I engaged in various projects, including the development of motor imagery EEG-based systems, analyzing sentiment in Instagram posts related to Covid, and designing an intelligent surgical drain system.